Friday, July 9, 2010

It's 2 for 1 Day! Woot, woot!

OK, so here I am winding down on a great Friday evening and this is 2 for 1 day today on "Where's the Skinny".  What's that mean, you may ask.  Well folks, it is where I blog 2 days worth in 1 blog!  Sounds super exciting huh?  Yeah, I thought so too!  Can I get a "WOOT, WOOT!"?

So here goes...

Yesterday I was feeling very motivated after my Jillian Michael's 30-day shred workout the night before, that I decided to take my lunch hour and do some exercising.  I really needed the extra boost of energy to go with that!  So, I popped in the Leslie Sansone "Walk Off the Pounds" video and decided to do the 3 mile power walk.  So I did 3 miles in 45 minutes.  It felt really good and gave me the needed lift to finish out my work day.

M E came home from work and decided that she wanted to do a workout, so I put back on my workout clothes and proceeded to do another workout.  We ended up doing the 3 mile power walk followed by the 2.5 mile walk/jog workout.  We did 5.5 miles total.  So at the end of the day, I walked 8.5 miles.  I ended up burning a total of 3382 calories with an intake of 1350 calories.  I ended the day with a 2000 calorie deficit.  Go me! 

Honestly, I really did not think I was going to make it through the first 2 miles when I was working out with M E but she was really moving it.  I could not give up!  Yeah, I can be a little competitive sometimes.  Go figure...

So I woke up this morning and my legs were SOOOOO sore.  Yeah, was that only 8.5 miles I walked yesterday because I feel like I walked clear across the country?  OH...And I started taking creatine powder yesterday after Jillian's beating the night before!  I was hoping that would help some but I guess I have not had enough of it in my system yet to help.  At any rate...Yeah, I am rambling...

So I woke up this morning and my legs were SOOOOO sore....

Well, I believe that I have heard somewhere, from somebody, at sometime, that working out with sore muscles helps them.  So guess what M E and I did before we went to work today?  Yeah, you know it, you guessed right!  We did a workout - the 3 mile power walk again.  As if I thought I could not piss my muscles off any more than I have in the last 2 days, I decided to test them even more.  I struggled through the first mile, legs screaming at me at every kickback.  Mile 2 came up and the pace sped up - legs feeling warm and I can really feel the burn.  Mile 3 comes up - feeling invincible by now I grabbed the 8lb pound to add a little challenge to the walk!  Like I said in my last blog, per Leslie Sansone, "We don't do sissy exercises.  No sissies here!"  I felt good after that workout.  What a great way to start the day.

So after dinner tonight, M E and I decided that we have been doing a lot more cardio and have not been doing a lot of strength training.  We opted to go back to good old Tony Horton and popped in his Power 90 Sculpt 3 - 4  strength training video.  What a workout that was!  Lots of push-up and upper body weight training.  That really felt good since I think my legs would have literally gone on strike if I made them walk one more mile.  Tony did have some leg exercises with lunges and squats.  I believe I overheard some cussing coming from my lower limbs.  Not sure if it was directed at me or Tony, but I am sure I will know in the morning.  But hey...I feel great and tomorrow is group workout day!  WooHoo!  Bring it on!  Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

So, here I am, after a sad day and several workouts later...Today was a really long day.  I did my 2.5 mile walk/jog in 30 minutes this morning and then spent the rest of the day trying to make it through work.  My ferret, Niko, who I have had for 8 years started going downhill last night and got to the point this afternoon where he could hardly move and was breathing so heavy that you could hear him several feet away. 

I made an appointment with the vet at 4pm but Niko died in my arms while sitting in the waiting room waiting on the Dr.  We brought him back home and buried him.  Somehow, the house doesn't feel the same without him here. :(  He was such a great friend and so much fun. Always there to give me kisses and make me laugh.

This evening I fed into my depression eating and went for Mexican Food which I have not had in over 6 months.  I guess old habits die hard...It has always been my comfort food.  Well instead of making me feel "comforted" I felt guilty for ruining my whole day of GOOD eating with my cheese enchiladas and Spanish rice not to mention chips and queso.  So...I put on my workout clothes, tossed in the Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred DVD, and let her kick my ass for 20 minutes!  I also did another power mile with Leslie shortly after Jillian.  Wooo am I BEAT!

So far I have burned 2,926 calories and still have 2 hours of BURNING to go!  Hell yeah! Take that you cheesy bucket of yummy goodness!

M E and I have set a new goal...Lose 3 - 4 pounds a week through MORE tuned...

Signing Off...Lara

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No Sissies Here!

OK so it has been forever since I last blogged.  My apologies.  I am so terrible to myself.  I get all wrapped up in work and then only have time to fit in Cristian, dinner, and my workout!  I am going to try to do better this week though.

So the past couple of weigh-in's I haven't gone down on the scale in fact I climbed a small hill, but my clothes are fitting loosey goosey so I am thinking all this weight lifting is building some muscle!

Did a workout this morning with Leslie Sansone walking off those pounds baby! Oh yeah!  It was a walk & kick 32 minute workout and it definitely had me sweating.  Power walking & kickboxing for 32 minutes will burn some calories let me tell you!  This evening, M E and I did another Leslie DVD, Walk & Jog, for another 32 minutes and that was an intense workout. Felt pretty the end she said "We don't do sissy exercises here we work up a good sweat" and she was NOT joking.

So here is to you Leslie...NO sissies here!  Rock on!  Stay tuned...

Signing Off...Lara

Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 6 Weigh-In!

Week 6 is over and I am sad to report no weight loss this week.  I am trying not to be discouraged by that because I know it can be alot of will wait till next week and see what happens.

Today I worked my butt off at the gym and plan to work really hard this week so next week that scale better WATCH OUT! 

We saw Wicked last night and it was just as fantastic as I remember it being the last time it blew through Dallas.  Cristian loved it. He kept singing along and tried to dance his monkey all over his lap.  He bought the winged monkey stuffy as a souvenir.  We had a run in with some crappy people who apparantly were hot and bothered that Cristian was sniffling during the 1st half of the show because he was so stuffed up he couldn't breathe and they left in huff because we were staying for the 2nd half and they were "tired of listening to him".  I could have slapped the wrinkles off

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 5 - Weigh-in!

Week 5 has come and gone and I lost another 2 pounds! Woo me!  So I am down a total of 9.2 pounds.  Still not feeling real good...more to come...stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Shoes - Sleeping Blues

So here I am on day who knows what, ha, but feeling pretty good.  Put on a pair of shorts today that I hadn't been able to comfortably fit in and what do you know...they were LOOSE!  Wooohoo, go me!

Hit the gym after buying some new cross training shoes. They are super comfy!  My other shoes were just falling apart.  I think some of my back issues might have been from working out in those shoes! Glad that is behind me, because I love my new ones!

Warmed up for 5 minutes on the glider at the gym before doing the sculpt strength training exercises.  Hit up some machines at 50 pounds, muscle woman ya know lol, and worked my back, legs, arms, and abs.  Some of the men looked at me like I was crazy but they stopped once they saw this chic could do it. Oh yeah! I might be rethinking that tomorrow when I wake up with sore muscles.  Better try that Creatine Powder I keep meaning to mix up...

I was going to take Cristian to the pool but apparently they had to close it due to someone having an "accident".  Reminds me of the commercial for "Grown Ups" when they all pee in the pool and the chemical turns the water dark blue...LOL!

So, I uploaded my data from my armband today and noticed that last night not only did I end up coughing stomach acid most of the night but i only managed to get 2 hours and 12 minutes of sleep.  The night before was less than that.  I have my dr appointment with my lapband idiot for a doctor on the 22nd.  My general practitioner thinks all my issues are being caused by a corroded lap band and so my lap band surgeon's reaction to that is..."Well we can fit you in the schedule in 9 days, how does 2:45pm sound to you?"  We shall see what happens...I can't go see the gastro specialist until they rule out the lapband being the problem.  All I know is that at night my lungs feel like they are filling with fluid and I cannot stop coughing and hacking stomach acid :(  I have been taking double doses of serious acid reflux meds (per the doc) but they haven't helped with the coughing up problem.

Off to bed...stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week 4 - Weigh-in and Measurements!

Here I am at the end of Week 4.  Positive things to report!  I am officially DOWN 7.5 pounds in 4 weeks and a whopping 7.25 INCHES!  Woohoo go ME!

My apologies for not keeping up with my blog.  I have not been well in the health department lately.  Having some major lapband issues and acid reflux.  As an added bonus fluid keeps making it in the lungs. I have felt miserable!  I did get a report that my chest xray was clear which is music to an ex-smoker's ears!

My week of cooking is officially over as well and I have handed over the reigns to the kitchen to M E!  I do have to say I made some killer meals this past week including ham and potato skillet for breakfast on Sunday, Honey Lemon Schnitzel (can you say YUM?), Buffalo Chicken Skewers, Phyllo Chicken Pot Pie and some awesome veggie dishes!  Eating healthy has never been so much fun! I love our new healthy cookbooks.  Any "really bad for you" recipe has been all "healthed" out in the cookbooks without losing flavor!  Loving it!  Hoping M E makes the "Shrimp & Grits" recipe.  It was originally a Paula Dean recipe but the cookbook has a healthy version of it and it looks delicious!  She did make a chicken and squash meal tonight which was good but I have found that Thyme and me...we don't mix. :)

Oh, and we have gone kookoo for fruit!  Had cherries, peaches, apples, kiwi, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and bananas in the house the past 2 weeks.  We went parfait, smoothie, fruity dessert crazy! Stay tuned...

Signing Off...Lara

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day of rest

Yep that is what it was today, my rest day, no workout, no sweating, just good old fashioned walking and moving about.  Day was still pretty busy.  I worked, shuffled Cristian to and from 2 activities, ran around a shopping plaza after parking as far as I could from where I was going in the damn Texas heat (not by choice mind you - compliments of the concert in Watters Creek), and did some house cleaning.  That is as active as it got for me today. 

Bring on tomorrow - cardio, abs, gym, swimming...and I may toss in a Karate Kid movie for grins...

"Jacket off...jacket on...jacket off...jacket on"...Ha, stay tuned...

Signing Off...Lara

Stats for Thursday, June 10th!

BodyMedia FIT data for June 10, 2010

Calories Burned - 2416
Calories Consumed - 1465
Total Activity - 0:40
Moderate Activity - 0:40
Steps Taken - 3735
Sleep Duration - 6:28
Lying Down - 8:11
Sleep Efficiency - 79%

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

She doesn't hear a word I say...

Here I am, 1 day before my day of rest, and I am looking forward to it! Not that I actually think I am going to rest, especially since we already have a day planned at the gym, but at least I can say NO Tony video. Woo! 

Had a great workout day today.  Went to the gym and did the Tony Sculpt with free weights instead of the deadly resistance bands.  Definitely a lot easier to move around with weights than get tangled in the resistance bands!  Since we already knew the video by heart we just did the whole thing without Tony at the gym. After warming up my muscles and getting my heart rate up there I hopped on the glider.  M E was on the elliptical next to me but I just can't do that machine.  It kills my shins.  So, the glider it was!

I panted and grunted my way through 20 minutes on that sucker and found myself talking to myself since M E had her headphones on with the music so loud that she didn't hear a word I said.  The only time she turned to talk to me was when she yelled, "I am only doing this for 10 minutes, I can't do it, my foot is numb".  LOL!  So I tried to encourage her..."You are half-way there, only 5 more minutes, we can do it..."  Do you think she heard me?  Of course not! Not a word....but the rest of the gym probably did! 

That's okay I will call it self-motivation.  I was motivating myself!  :) I did have a hard time getting my heart rate down.  I get it all riled up and it doesn't want to slow back down.  I ended up doing a little more than 1.5 miles in 20 minutes.  I was BLAZING!

My calorie burn FINALLY shot up high and has stayed that way ever since the workout at 6ish.  In fact, even now at 11:27, I am still burning 2.3 calories which is still pretty high for "Queen of 1.8 calories" which is what my body thinks it should burn all the time.  I did get it up there over 7 per minute while on the glider.  Yea for me!  Stay tuned...

Signing Off...Lara

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 3 is Officially Over!

I made it through Week 3 and am feeling great!  I had a 1/2 pound weight loss this week although I know I have lost some inches because shorts that were too tight just last week are now fitting me a little loose! 

I have felt all flu like today so haven't done much in the realm of working out but hopefully tomorrow I will feel better and hit the gym with M E. 

This is my week to cook, yea me, and I kicked it off with Phyllo Chicken Pot Pie. I am thinking about either a fish dinner or pork tomorrow - need to see which has less of a preparation time :)  My chicken pot pie looked awful easy according to the directions yet took almost 2 hours of prep work.  Whew!  It was really good but I didnt plan on cooking for 3 hours.  Stay tuned...

Signing Off...Lara

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Stats for Saturday, June 5th!

BodyMedia FIT data for June 5, 2010

Calories Burned - 3020
Calories Consumed - 1183
Total Activity - 0:48
Steps Taken - 8795
Sleep Duration - 5:44
Lying Down - 9:52
Sleep Efficiency - 58%

Burned over 3,000 calories!

I burned over 3,000 calories today!! Woohoo!!! Can I get a HELL YEAH?  So about 10 minutes before midnight I looked at my watch and saw that I was only 40 calories away from breaking the 3,000 mark so I went a little crazy.  By "a little crazy" I mean - I started doing jumping jacks and running, yes running, back and forth in the house until midnight LOL!  You can stop laughing really, I mean it, you can.  M E has done enough laughing for all of you.  :)

I have been going to Lifetime fitness everyday and hitting the cardio machines for a bit with M E and then picking Cristian up from the child care area and going for a family swim.  I KNOW I lost weight this week.  Shorts that fit too snug last week are fitting REALLY good this week.  Bring on the Week 3 weigh in!  I am so ready!

Missed groupie fitness with my friends this Friday because 2 of them were under the weather but they have promised to get back on things next week - so next Friday - here we come! Stay tuned....

Signing off...Lara

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day at Lifetime Fitness

Today has been a great day.  Went to Lifetime Fitness and met with Eric, the personal trainer that did my fitness assessment for me.  M E and I decided to sign up with him for the my coach program 2x a month.  Basically, he will map out a 2 week workout plan for us to then follow on our own and every 2 weeks we will meet again and he will do a new workout for the next 2 weeks. Should be a great way to supplement our Tony Power 90 program.

So, I hopped on the elliptical today, the one that kind of looks like the Gazelle, and went at it full speed.  Well, let's just say that it didn't take long for me to realize that I couldn't hit the elliptical like I did 2 years ago.  I am definitely going to have to work myself back up to that level!  Wow, after 10 minutes on that sucker I burned almost 100 calories and felt like I ran a marathon!

Did the Tony Sculpt and heading out now to vaccum the pool once again...I can't believe that this week is already half over!

Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Older than I feel...

So here I am at Day 16 and feeling pretty damn good.  I have lost 4.4 pounds over the last 2 weeks and have been meeting all of my scheduled work outs and then some!  So, I have lacked a little in the blogging department but the weekend in Jacksonville didn't leave much time for the good ole laptop.

Had my appointment with my personal trainer today.  Had to use that freebie they gave me and got myself all assessed.  You know me, got to have my freebies!  Unfortunately, I found out the results of my assessment make me out to be MUCH older than I feel.  I better get on this quick and start reversing the clock so I can feel this young when I am THAT old!

Here is the ugly truth - BRACE YOURSELF:

My Age: 38
Body Age: 46
Obtainable Age: 34
Body Fat %: 37.2 - Goal: 17.4
Lean Mass: 142 - Goal: 142 (woohoo 1 goal met)
Fat Mass: 84 - Goal: 30
Weight: 226 - Goal: 172
BMI: 38.8 (Obese Class II)
Cardio VO2: 29.1 (Fair)
Bicep Strength: 58 (Good)
Sit and Reach: 11 (Poor)
Overall Fitness: 33.3 (Fair)

- Improving my Body composition from 37.2% to 29.09% will improve my body age by 5 years
- Improving my flexibility ranking from Poor to Average will improve my body age by 2 years
- Improving my cardiovascular VO2 score from 29.1 to 36 will improve my body age by 4 years
- Improving my strength ranking from Good to Excellent will improve my body age by 1 year

Today I have burned mad calories and just completed my cardio/abs with Tony.  He is THE man! :)

Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Week 2 weigh-in!

This morning was my weigh in for week 2.  It was really supposed to be yesterday but our trip to Jacksonville put a kink in that plan.  I lost 1.9 pounds this past week!  I am pretty sure I have been building some major muscle this week! 

Here is to my downward trend!

Today I have a fitness assessment and personal trainer workout at Lifetime Fitness.  It is my free session.  Since we will be hitting the gym for some extra cardio this week I feel a bigger loss coming next Monday! :)

Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Stats for Monday, May 31!

BodyMedia FIT data for May 31, 2010

Calories Burned - 2571
Calories Consumed - 1573
Total Activity - 0:26
Moderate Activity - 0:26
Vigorous Activity - 0:00
Steps Taken - 4559
Sleep Duration - 5:53
Lying Down - 8:21
Sleep Efficiency - 70

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Groupies Gather....

Well I got so wrapped up in things I forgot to blog for a couple of days so I am making up for it now.  So Friday marked Day 12.  It was a good day.  I worked all day and then headed out to the Gym to take the family swimmimg.  Nope, my pool is still not at complete swimmimg level.  With all of the chemicals we have been putting in our pool lately, I am afraid that it would eat a limb off of someone if we tried.  So we headed to the gym for "Family Swim".  We all swan for a bit, then showered off and headed back home.

Friday is groupie night at our house this week.  So our fellow groupies came over (was glad to see Judy was feeling better and up for the challenge), resistance bands in hand, and a Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer workout video to boot.  So we decided to mix up our workout routine a bit.  Popped in the 10 minute trainer ready to get our workout on.  I thought OK this is going to be good, only 10 minutes to each workout, I can do this.  Warm up came on and it was like a warp-speed warm up.  I was lagging getting to my mat because I thought a drink of water before a workout was needed and almost missed the entire 2 minute (might have been shorter) warm up.  So we did the resistance training first for 10 minutes and then popped in the cardio video for 10 minutes of cardio.  Wow...The cardio one was really intense.  I felt like I was training for a football team.  A lot of the moves in that workout were moves you see the football players doing in their training camps.  I got really tickled in one part as we were all lined up across the mats in a straight line and had to do a huddle run and we were all in synch.  Made me laugh because we looked like a defensive line about to rush Tony.  Had to stop for a quick breather on that one because I got soooo tickled at us and could not stop laughing.  But we all made it through and had a good time together. 

I am so proud of everyone in the group.  We are doing this all together and everyone has been committed to this!  I must give a shout out to Judy who was really sick last week but still had the motivation to come join the party.  You go Judy, you were rocking it hard during the workout!  Keep up the great work everyone!  Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stats for Wednesday, May 26th!

BodyMedia FIT data for May 26, 2010
Calories Burned - 2690
Calories Consumed - 1555
Total Activity - 0:43
Moderate Activity - 0:43
Vigorous Activity - 0:00
Steps Taken - 5358
Sleep Duration - 4:31
Lying Down - 6:38
Sleep Efficiency - 68%

Kicking It Up A Notch...

So here I am at the end of Day 11.  We made a great addition to our fitness quest today.  We went to Lifetime Fitness today to check out their facilities.  That is one NICE facility.  So the price was reasonable and we ended up joining.  Yeah, we have compulsive buyer written all over our faces but hey we are kicking it up a notch!  We are going to start adding the gym to our workout regimen so that we can get some extra cardio in.  I am shooting for 6x a week to go along with our current Tony Horton Power 90 schedule.  I am digging the fact that we can go jump on an Elliptical machine, Treadmill, or Bike and then jump in the whirlpool, pool, or sauna.  They even have racquetball, volleyball, and basketball courts should I feel like letting out my inner athlete.  My son is stoked about the kid's area and activities they have to offer while Mommy and Mimi are working out.  This is a good thing!

So we did our Sweat / Cardio / Ab Ripper workout with Tony and crew.  I can tell that my stamina is getting much stronger each time we do this video.  I did have some problems with most of the jumping exercises.  My knees feel like a sledge hammer is hitting them on the outside of my leg/knee everytime I land on my jumps.  I did my workout barefoot today and am thinking that that may have been the reason for the pain.  I am going to test this theory next time and wear my tennis shoes like I have been doing on the past videos.  So, needless to say, I modified the jumping exercises to be more jogging and scissor leg exercises and threw in some extra arm movement to keep my heart rate up.  I can proudly report that I did only modified 1 of the Ab exercises and banged out all of the reps for them.  That is 10 reps + 10 different ab exercises = 100 Ab crunches!  I can also report that there have been no more near knockout instances with my punches.  I am really starting to look forward to the workout days and not feel like it is such a chore!  So here is to a great day and an even better future with my fitness quest. Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sculpt this...

So here I am on Day 10.  Another day down.  Chalk one up for me!  I worked on the pool some again today.  I felt really guilty about hogging the calorie burning activity yesterday so I let M E do the vacuuming work and I cleaned the filter out.  Our pool hose is officially hosed.  It keeps collapsing on us and kinking.  Not sure who got the bigger workout with it today.  M E pushing the vacuum back and forth in the pool or me going back and forth unkinking the hose.  I think it was a close tie.

After the pool work, we did the Sculpt 1 - 2 with Tony and the crew.  Those resistance bands really work you out.  But have no fear, my muscles are getting stronger and it is getting a little easier each time we do it.  So to you Tony, I say sculpt this!  I am no wuss puss, I can hang with the best of them!  Or at least push it to make it look like it!  So Day 10 is down and I am looking forward to Day 11.  Bring it on BABY!  Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara  

Stats for Tuesday, May 25th!

Here is "yesterday's news"...

BodyMedia FIT data for May 25, 2010

Calories Burned - 2849
Calories Consumed - 1092
Total Activity - 0:53
Moderate Activity - 0:42
Vigorous Activity - 0:11
Steps Taken - 7996
Sleep Duration - 6:22
Lying Down - 7:32
Sleep Efficiency - 85%
Calorie Deficit - 1757

Stats for Monday, May 24th!

Here are my stats for Monday!

BodyMedia FIT data for May 23, 2010

Calories Burned - 2305
Calories Consumed - 1330
Total Activity - 0:13
Moderate Activity - 0:13
Steps Taken - 2965
Sleep Duration - 5:59
Lying Down - 7:12
Sleep Efficiency - 83%
Calorie Deficit - 925

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We're Having Some Fun...

So here I am winding down from Day 9.  I feel really good tonight.  Did my Sweat / Cardio / Ab Ripper workout early today.  It sure makes a difference when we do the workout earlier in the evening than at night after dinner.  I found that I have A LOT more energy and less complaints.  I can say that I am getting much better at the workouts.  I was able to do so much more of the workout with less modifications.  OK, so the lunge jumps and cross jumps still get me and I made a jogging modification out of those, but the rest of the time, I think I actually saw Tony himself trying to keep up with me. 

After the workout, M E and I worked on the pool.  She cleaned the filter while I brushed the pool.  We had a small struggle over who was going to do what, but in the end I won.  Yeah, I am getting pretty eager to burn more calories and made her clean the filter while I worked it hard brushing the pool.  I did let her brush the tile around the pool because I felt a little bad that I was hogging all of the calorie burning.  Yeah, I can be nice like that sometimes.

Once we were done with the pool, M E cooked dinner.  That was one tasty dinner if I do say so myself.  She made crab stuffed talapia, brown rice, broccoli, and fresh pineapple for dessert.  Man that was some good stuff.  I am making myself hungry just thinking about it.

So today has been a GREAT day!  Great workout, great pool cleaning, and great dinner.  What more could a girl ask for?  Now time to curl up in bed with a great book.  Stay tuned...

Signing off....Lara

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Smell of Sweet Success

So today is Day 8 and my weigh-in day.  I got up this morning and proudly stepped on the scale ready to see just how well my hard work has paid off.  I am happy to say I lost 2.2 pounds.  That is almost half of a 5lb bag of sugar.  Oh yeah baby!

Today was Sculpt 1-2 and tomorrow I will be breaking it down with Sweat / Cardio / Ab Ripper.  This time I will pay a little more attention to where I am throwing those punches and upper cuts.  Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Stats for Sunday, May 23rd!

BodyMedia FIT data for May 23, 2010
Calories Burned - 2703
Calories Consumed - 1291
Total Activity - 0:42
Moderate Activity - 0:37
Vigorous Activity - 0:05
Steps Taken - 6863
Sleep Duration - 8:21
Lying Down - 11:52
Sleep Efficiency - 70%
Calorie Deficit - 1412

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can I Get a Little Cheese With That Whine?

So here I am at the end of Day 7!  The day started a little late because I decided to sleep in and catch up on some of the sleep that I did without this week.  Did a little grocery shopping, had a great lunch with the family, went to the park with Cristian and M E and practiced baseball.  After the park we came home and M E and I did the Sweat / Cardio / Ab Ripper workout.  OK, so here comes the Whine...Where is my cheese?

The stretching was good.  Warmed up my muscles and got me ready for my beating a la Tony!  I think I did something to my left knee and my left shoulder feels like someone hit it with a sledge hammer.  So off we go with the workout.  Knee lifts...yeah well that about killed me.  Running...ummm lets not go there, more like a light jog and at times a brisk walk.  Running lunges...yeah that was not happening, modification time to keep moving...I was soooooooooo ready to go through the TV screen and side kick Tony by the time we made it to kicks.  I really was not in the mood for my workout today.  Who said that protein is good for healing sore muscles?  I am sooo not believing them right now because I have had 2 protein shakes, a SUPER protein bar, and tried to eat some high in protein food within the last couple of days and I still feel like I just got beat down.  But...I hang in there whining and complaining every so often just so someone knows I am still there. 

On to the arms and punches.  Much better...I was feeling a little better about this segment of the workout.  Jabs and cross punches....I was really throwing my hip for those cross punches.  Hooks and upper cuts....Now you know you are getting really into your workout when you upper cut yourself.  Yes, I was fighting with myself there for a half-second and upper cut myself right in the nose...But I made it through my workout and really pushed myself on the Ab Ripper.  I guess I figured the whining was getting me nowhere and I was NOT going to give up and throw in the towel!  So bring on Day 8, weigh in day.  I am ready to step on the scale and see how well my hard work has paid off.  Stay tuned....

Signing off...Lara

Stats for Saturday, May 22nd!

I kicked it hard yesterday even without Tony! Yeah!

BodyMedia FIT data for May 22, 2010
Calories Burned - 2570
Calories Consumed - 1267
Total Activity - 0:39
Moderate Activity - 0:39
Steps Taken - 6270
Sleep Duration - 6:23
Lying Down - 8:16
Sleep Efficiency - 77%
Calorie Deficit - 1303
Signing off...Lara

Saturday, May 22, 2010

And the Fatigue Has Set In....

So here I am on Day 6.  Woohoo.  Had to get up really early (6:45am) to get my son ready and off to his 8am Baseball game.  Game went well.  Really proud of him and the progress that he is starting to make in Baseball.  However, ever since then I have been completely exhausted.  It does not help that I did not get to bed until after 2am so I am a little sleep deprived.  Such is life.  Anyway, the fatigue seems to have set in with me and I am soooooo completely exhausted.  Skipping Tony workout today and will call this my day of rest.  Will pick it back up tomorrow.  Stay tuned....

Signing off....Lara

Stats for Friday, May 21st!

I hit 81% sleep efficiency last night, awesome!

BodyMedia FIT data for May 21, 2010

Calories Burned - 2644
Calories Consumed - 1156
Total Activity - 0:34
Moderate Activity - 0:34
Vigorous Activity - 0:00
Steps Taken - 4979
Sleep Duration - 4:54
Lying Down - 6:01
Sleep Efficiency - 81%
Signing off...Lara

Friday, May 21, 2010

Party In The House...Fitness Party That Is!

So here I am on Day 5!  WooHoo!  I have successfully made it to Day 5.  I am pretty sore today.  My body feels like it is going through Chinese torture.  You know the torture technique where they tie each limb to a separate horse and then they whip them to run in each direction?  Yeah, that's the one!  I think I pushed myself a little too much with my workout yesterday.  But no worries, I am here for the long haul.  And on the positive side of things, I met all of my goals yesterday and noticed today when I uploaded my GoWear Fit, my sleep quality is getting MUCH better. 

So today we had a fitness party so to speak at my house.  A friend of ours who is also taking on the same fitness challenge came over and we all 3 worked out together!  It was a GREAT time.  Go MH! You have really been pushing hard and I can already see a difference!  I really had a blast workout with you!

So I did not push myself that hard today due to a lot of soreness, but I chugged my way through the workout and am feeling better.  I treated myself and my muscles to a high protein smoothie of only 160 calories.  Hopefully my muscles will thank me tomorrow.  Bring on Day 6.  I am up for the challenge!  Stay tuned....

Signing off....Lara

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lara One, BK None

So here I am winding down Day 4.  It has been a great day all around with the exception of 1 small incident.  Thursdays are our busy day.  We go from work, to baseball practice, and then 30 minutes to get from there to Cristian's gymnastics.  Normally we cook enough dinner the night before to allow us to heat up left overs to feed us before we head out to baseball but unfortunate that was not the case tonight.  I ended up grabbing some oatmeal as I ran out the door and decided that we would break down and grab Cristian a quick bite between baseball and gymnastics.  So...we ended up running through the drive thru at Burger King.  We have not been to BK in years.  I honestly cannot remember the last time we have been there.  It must have been before Cristian was born.  At any rate, I had no worries about being tempted by their YUMMY french fries, Cristian never orders french fries with his meal, he always gets apples.  So we ordered the chicken nuggets with the apples fries (they have apples cut into the shape of french fries, how cool is that?) and proceeded to the window to pay and pick up his meal.  When the guy opened the window of the drive thru, out wafted the smell of french fries.  No worries, it would only last for a few minutes or so I thought.  When the guy handed us the bag, not only was it missing the apples, there were not 1 but 2 orders of french fries in the bag.  I tried to politely give the fries back but the guy insisted that we keep them.  There must be some rule that once the food exits the window, they cannot take it back or our girlish figures were telling him that we really NEEDED these fries.  I stood my ground though, I refused to submit to the cries coming from the bag.  "Just one little french fry, what is it going to hurt?"  Oh no, aren't you one of the reasons that I am in the shape I am in today?  So I say Lara ONE, BK NONE!  I win, you lose!

So, once we got home, I proceeded to vacuum and clean the filter on the pool again.  The rain keeps messing with the chemicals not to mention the dirt that keeps getting in it from the flowerbeds.  It rained pretty good here today.  After doing that, with my heart rate already up from the pool experience, I jumped right into the Cardio / Sweat / Ab Ripper workout.  Now mind you, the last workout on this segment, I had a few struggles, but I can tell that my stamina and strength is getting better each day.  It was a great workout and I only had to make a few modifications but I never stopped moving.  On top of that, I met ALL of my milestones today!  WHOOP WHOOP!  Check it out:

BodyMedia FIT data for May 20, 2010

Calories Burned - 2909
Calories Consumed - 1183
Total Activity - 1:21
Moderate Activity - 1:13
Vigorous Activity - 0:08
Steps Taken - 7032
Sleep Duration - 5:25
Lying Down - 6:37
Sleep Efficiency - 82%
So there is an end to a good day.  Stay tuned....

Signing off....Lara

Stats for Wednesday, May 19th!

Here are my Body Media stats for yesterday!  I ROCKED it!

BodyMedia FIT data for May 19, 2010

Calories Burned - 2712
Calories Consumed - 1334
Total Activity - 0:35
Moderate Activity - 0:35
Vigorous Activity - 0:00
Steps Taken - 4843
Sleep Duration - 6:25
Lying Down - 9:57
Sleep Efficiency - 64%
Calorie Deficit - 1378
Signing Off...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ahh, Push It...Push It REAL Good!

SO I have come to Day 3 and can say that I actually feel good about this whole fitness / health experience.  I started out the day by actually eating breakfast for once.  WooHoo!  For those that know me, my regular diet has consisted of coffee, coffee, some more coffee, dinner, and coffee!  Oh yeah, did I mention coffee?  LOL!  But NOT today.  Oh no, I had a nice healthy bowl of Honey Graham O's for breakfast, a corned beef sandwich for lunch, and a delicious grilled chicken salad for dinner.  Yeah, I did have an iced caramel macchiato as a morning snack.  I am trying to ween myself off of them and think I have found a better alternative until I can completely stop drinking coffee.  Did I just say completely stop drinking coffee?  Who am I kidding here? let's work on better alternatives to the iced caramel macchiato addiction first and we can see what happens from there.  So I have found that getting an iced non-fat latte with splenda is good and only 60 calories.  Not as good as my macchiato taste wise, but still pretty good, and definitely better calorie wise.  I think I can get used to it.  :o)

So with my healthy eating / drinking commitments starting to appeal more and more to me, let's get to the fitness side of things.  I made the title of this blog "Ahh, push it...Push it real good".  Although not quite what the old 80's song by Salt N Pepa really had in mind, I think it fits completely with my exercise / workout today.  I started off by vacuuming and cleaning the filter of the pool in the heat of the day.  Yeah, I was sweating and unscrewing the top off of the filter is no walk in the park either.  Just ask my Mom.  That thing is on there tight!  I then proceeded to take in some Sculpt 1-2 with Tony Horton and his crew.  Although my body is still pretty sore (yesterday's Sweat / Cardio / Ab Ripper contributed GREATLY to the pain), I managed to do ALL of the push-ups and finished out the entire workout!  Can I get a what, what?  Yeah baby that's right, I did all of the push-ups!  So yeah, I pushed it...I pushed it REAL good today.  And you know what?  I feel GREAT!  Bring on tomorrow's workout of Sweat / Cardio / Ab Ripper Tony!  You got nothing on me!  I have Decided...Committed...and will Succeed!  Stay tuned...

Signing off....Lara

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Among The Living

So I woke up today beginning my Day 2 in a horrible way.  Not only did I find that I had muscles in places I did not think they existed, but I was sick as a dog.  With every movement that I made I had to choke back the feeling of rushing to the bathroom to hug the porcelain goddess.  To add to the misery and pain of my stomach, the world around  was spinning.  "Suck it up girlfriend, this too shall pass" came my inner skinny voice.  You know the one, that pesky little voice in your head that keeps you motivated and continuing on at all cost.  I honestly felt like I could lay down and die and would not mind it a bit.  But no, that was not an option.  So I muddled through work, conference calls, meetings, etc and come 5pm, I made a mad dash to the couch.  Exercising was not looking like it was going to be a part of my day today.  Sorry Tony and fellow chubby buddy, I am sitting this one out.

So as I lay in misery I watched Mary Ellen workout until I fell asleep.  Go M E!  I am so proud of my chubby buddy!  She was not going to throw in the towel!  Way to show your commitment!

Well...I woke up a couple of hours later, still feeling not quite up to par.  Needless to say, my calorie intake for today was minimal to say the least.  I skipped breakfast, had a really late lunch (my lunch was while the family was having dinner), and just now finished dinner at 10pm.  My total calorie intake was like 600 something!  Pathetic and definitely not healthy.  Tomorrow will be better!  It HAS to be!

BUT...I did suck it up and ended up doing the Sweat/Cardio 1-2 which I swore I was going to complete and not take on the Ab Ripper being that my stomach was already pretty peeved at me and retaliating.  I put everything I had into completing this video and made a few modifications so as not to give up and still be able to keep up with Tony and his crew.  So then comes the cool down...whew I made it.  Enjoyed the cool down and knowing that my workout was almost complete.  Made it through the cool down / stretching and up pops a counter on the screen announcing the Ab Ripper 100 that was coming up next.  4:45 total workout for the ab ripper.  So you know that pesky little inner skinny voice...Yeah well she got me!  "It is less than 5 mins and you just did 35 mins, you can do this!"  Yeah, yeah I can do this!  Bring on the Ab Ripper, I got this!  So I did it, 10 different crunch exercises, 10 reps each = 100 crunches total!  I can already feel the soreness of my abs kicking in.  I just pray that my stomach does not retaliate like it did today.  Come on belly, I love you, but I would love you more if your were less.  I am doing this for the both of us!

So after my workout, I feel as though I am now back among the living!  It is off to the shower for me....Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Monday, May 17, 2010

Still Standing

Well here I am, one day down and god knows how many more to go!  So day 1 is coming to a close and I feel rather proud to say that I have survived.  I sound like such a wimp, but boy am I out of shape.  How easy it was to get the many extra pounds on me and how hard it is to make them leave their comfortable little (or shall I say rather large) home.  Shoo fat, don't bother me.  I have seen you for far too long!

I started out my day with the usual trip to grab some coffee on the way back to work from dropping my son off at school.  With coffee in hand I came back and logged my breakfast (yes, that was my breakfast) and found that my love for the caramel macchiato has got to go.  Holy cow, there are some really empty calories in that drink, but they sure don't make me feel or look empty!  Note to self, must find another love to replace that drink!

For lunch I had mucho protein.  That would be 2 eggs with some cheese.  Sounds tasty doesn't it.  OK, so I really did not have much to choose from since I missed grocery shopping over the weekend.  Probably better that I waited until tonight to do the grocery shopping anyway.  Too many temptations there but I am GOAL oriented here and really checked labels this time!

Moving along to the sweaty stuff.  Yeah, I know those following are dying to hear just how many push-ups I can do.  I will have you know, I did my best and about 8 more than I thought I could.  That Tony Horton sure makes it all look sooooooooo easy.  I can only aspire to be that good and buff one day.  But then that is why I am here right?  So I did the Sculpt 1-2 from his Power 90 video, did some hula-hooping and step aerobics on the Wii Fit, and did a quick workout with my fitness coach also on the Wii.  Oh, let us not forget that I chased and battled the 6 year old as well.  Shouldn't that count for something?

So here is the lowdown on my status for Day 1 so far:
Calories Burned - 2520

Calories Consumed - 1210
Total Activity - 0:24
Moderate Activity - 0:24
Calorie Deficit - 1310

Time to hit the shower!  Wonder what Tony has in store for me tomorrow.  Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Last Supper!

OK so it is no surprise to those that know me that I LOVE food, especially good old country BBQ!  But, then again I couldn't call myself a Texan without loving that BBQ.  I don't doubt that my love for food is what helped me get to the larger than life version of me today.  :)

Get ready because all that is about to change! Tomorrow, I am kick starting a fitness challenge with Tony Horton and a few friends.  We are going to go through the Power 90 program while tossing in a little Jillian Michaels and some Wii action into the mix 6 days a week.  Phew, I am tired just thinking about it.  If Jillian has kicked some ass on tv and Tony looks like he is 30, I know I am going to be hurting tomorrow!

So, in honor of my last supper tonight, I drove myself over to Bar-B-Cutie and had my last taste of BBQ for a while.  Boy, that pulled pork was delicious!  But, now it is time to go back to what my dear old mother taught me; time to let that inner health nut back out and start working for the healthy life I want to have.  Let's face it, this body isn't getting any younger and these extra layers have got to go!

I will be blogging through this fitness quest while I muddle through my new boot camp life!  I am ready, committed, and in search for my inner skinny!  I will be tracking my food and fitness on the Daily Plate and blogging everyday on here to keep myself sane.  Ha...

Tomorrow I will be kicking it off with my 1st set of weigh-ins and measurements.  Bring on the challenge! Have your own fitness challenge? Join me and my groupies and we can tread through this boot camp together giving each other the swift kick in the butt we need to keep moving towards our goal.  The more the merrier I say!

I can't wait because...I am FIT to be THIN!!!