Friday, July 9, 2010

It's 2 for 1 Day! Woot, woot!

OK, so here I am winding down on a great Friday evening and this is 2 for 1 day today on "Where's the Skinny".  What's that mean, you may ask.  Well folks, it is where I blog 2 days worth in 1 blog!  Sounds super exciting huh?  Yeah, I thought so too!  Can I get a "WOOT, WOOT!"?

So here goes...

Yesterday I was feeling very motivated after my Jillian Michael's 30-day shred workout the night before, that I decided to take my lunch hour and do some exercising.  I really needed the extra boost of energy to go with that!  So, I popped in the Leslie Sansone "Walk Off the Pounds" video and decided to do the 3 mile power walk.  So I did 3 miles in 45 minutes.  It felt really good and gave me the needed lift to finish out my work day.

M E came home from work and decided that she wanted to do a workout, so I put back on my workout clothes and proceeded to do another workout.  We ended up doing the 3 mile power walk followed by the 2.5 mile walk/jog workout.  We did 5.5 miles total.  So at the end of the day, I walked 8.5 miles.  I ended up burning a total of 3382 calories with an intake of 1350 calories.  I ended the day with a 2000 calorie deficit.  Go me! 

Honestly, I really did not think I was going to make it through the first 2 miles when I was working out with M E but she was really moving it.  I could not give up!  Yeah, I can be a little competitive sometimes.  Go figure...

So I woke up this morning and my legs were SOOOOO sore.  Yeah, was that only 8.5 miles I walked yesterday because I feel like I walked clear across the country?  OH...And I started taking creatine powder yesterday after Jillian's beating the night before!  I was hoping that would help some but I guess I have not had enough of it in my system yet to help.  At any rate...Yeah, I am rambling...

So I woke up this morning and my legs were SOOOOO sore....

Well, I believe that I have heard somewhere, from somebody, at sometime, that working out with sore muscles helps them.  So guess what M E and I did before we went to work today?  Yeah, you know it, you guessed right!  We did a workout - the 3 mile power walk again.  As if I thought I could not piss my muscles off any more than I have in the last 2 days, I decided to test them even more.  I struggled through the first mile, legs screaming at me at every kickback.  Mile 2 came up and the pace sped up - legs feeling warm and I can really feel the burn.  Mile 3 comes up - feeling invincible by now I grabbed the 8lb pound to add a little challenge to the walk!  Like I said in my last blog, per Leslie Sansone, "We don't do sissy exercises.  No sissies here!"  I felt good after that workout.  What a great way to start the day.

So after dinner tonight, M E and I decided that we have been doing a lot more cardio and have not been doing a lot of strength training.  We opted to go back to good old Tony Horton and popped in his Power 90 Sculpt 3 - 4  strength training video.  What a workout that was!  Lots of push-up and upper body weight training.  That really felt good since I think my legs would have literally gone on strike if I made them walk one more mile.  Tony did have some leg exercises with lunges and squats.  I believe I overheard some cussing coming from my lower limbs.  Not sure if it was directed at me or Tony, but I am sure I will know in the morning.  But hey...I feel great and tomorrow is group workout day!  WooHoo!  Bring it on!  Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

So, here I am, after a sad day and several workouts later...Today was a really long day.  I did my 2.5 mile walk/jog in 30 minutes this morning and then spent the rest of the day trying to make it through work.  My ferret, Niko, who I have had for 8 years started going downhill last night and got to the point this afternoon where he could hardly move and was breathing so heavy that you could hear him several feet away. 

I made an appointment with the vet at 4pm but Niko died in my arms while sitting in the waiting room waiting on the Dr.  We brought him back home and buried him.  Somehow, the house doesn't feel the same without him here. :(  He was such a great friend and so much fun. Always there to give me kisses and make me laugh.

This evening I fed into my depression eating and went for Mexican Food which I have not had in over 6 months.  I guess old habits die hard...It has always been my comfort food.  Well instead of making me feel "comforted" I felt guilty for ruining my whole day of GOOD eating with my cheese enchiladas and Spanish rice not to mention chips and queso.  So...I put on my workout clothes, tossed in the Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred DVD, and let her kick my ass for 20 minutes!  I also did another power mile with Leslie shortly after Jillian.  Wooo am I BEAT!

So far I have burned 2,926 calories and still have 2 hours of BURNING to go!  Hell yeah! Take that you cheesy bucket of yummy goodness!

M E and I have set a new goal...Lose 3 - 4 pounds a week through MORE tuned...

Signing Off...Lara

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No Sissies Here!

OK so it has been forever since I last blogged.  My apologies.  I am so terrible to myself.  I get all wrapped up in work and then only have time to fit in Cristian, dinner, and my workout!  I am going to try to do better this week though.

So the past couple of weigh-in's I haven't gone down on the scale in fact I climbed a small hill, but my clothes are fitting loosey goosey so I am thinking all this weight lifting is building some muscle!

Did a workout this morning with Leslie Sansone walking off those pounds baby! Oh yeah!  It was a walk & kick 32 minute workout and it definitely had me sweating.  Power walking & kickboxing for 32 minutes will burn some calories let me tell you!  This evening, M E and I did another Leslie DVD, Walk & Jog, for another 32 minutes and that was an intense workout. Felt pretty the end she said "We don't do sissy exercises here we work up a good sweat" and she was NOT joking.

So here is to you Leslie...NO sissies here!  Rock on!  Stay tuned...

Signing Off...Lara