Friday, July 9, 2010

It's 2 for 1 Day! Woot, woot!

OK, so here I am winding down on a great Friday evening and this is 2 for 1 day today on "Where's the Skinny".  What's that mean, you may ask.  Well folks, it is where I blog 2 days worth in 1 blog!  Sounds super exciting huh?  Yeah, I thought so too!  Can I get a "WOOT, WOOT!"?

So here goes...

Yesterday I was feeling very motivated after my Jillian Michael's 30-day shred workout the night before, that I decided to take my lunch hour and do some exercising.  I really needed the extra boost of energy to go with that!  So, I popped in the Leslie Sansone "Walk Off the Pounds" video and decided to do the 3 mile power walk.  So I did 3 miles in 45 minutes.  It felt really good and gave me the needed lift to finish out my work day.

M E came home from work and decided that she wanted to do a workout, so I put back on my workout clothes and proceeded to do another workout.  We ended up doing the 3 mile power walk followed by the 2.5 mile walk/jog workout.  We did 5.5 miles total.  So at the end of the day, I walked 8.5 miles.  I ended up burning a total of 3382 calories with an intake of 1350 calories.  I ended the day with a 2000 calorie deficit.  Go me! 

Honestly, I really did not think I was going to make it through the first 2 miles when I was working out with M E but she was really moving it.  I could not give up!  Yeah, I can be a little competitive sometimes.  Go figure...

So I woke up this morning and my legs were SOOOOO sore.  Yeah, was that only 8.5 miles I walked yesterday because I feel like I walked clear across the country?  OH...And I started taking creatine powder yesterday after Jillian's beating the night before!  I was hoping that would help some but I guess I have not had enough of it in my system yet to help.  At any rate...Yeah, I am rambling...

So I woke up this morning and my legs were SOOOOO sore....

Well, I believe that I have heard somewhere, from somebody, at sometime, that working out with sore muscles helps them.  So guess what M E and I did before we went to work today?  Yeah, you know it, you guessed right!  We did a workout - the 3 mile power walk again.  As if I thought I could not piss my muscles off any more than I have in the last 2 days, I decided to test them even more.  I struggled through the first mile, legs screaming at me at every kickback.  Mile 2 came up and the pace sped up - legs feeling warm and I can really feel the burn.  Mile 3 comes up - feeling invincible by now I grabbed the 8lb pound to add a little challenge to the walk!  Like I said in my last blog, per Leslie Sansone, "We don't do sissy exercises.  No sissies here!"  I felt good after that workout.  What a great way to start the day.

So after dinner tonight, M E and I decided that we have been doing a lot more cardio and have not been doing a lot of strength training.  We opted to go back to good old Tony Horton and popped in his Power 90 Sculpt 3 - 4  strength training video.  What a workout that was!  Lots of push-up and upper body weight training.  That really felt good since I think my legs would have literally gone on strike if I made them walk one more mile.  Tony did have some leg exercises with lunges and squats.  I believe I overheard some cussing coming from my lower limbs.  Not sure if it was directed at me or Tony, but I am sure I will know in the morning.  But hey...I feel great and tomorrow is group workout day!  WooHoo!  Bring it on!  Stay tuned...

Signing off...Lara


  1. You did SO awesome. I can't believe you did almost 9 miles yesterday. I am SO proud of you hon. Keep up the great work. Together...we can do anything. :)

    Love you babe!

  2. Woot, Woot...when's your next entry??
